Articles on: VDS, VDS Pro & VPS

How can I reinstall my VDS/VDS Pro/VPS or Dedicated server?

How can I reinstall my VDS/VDS Pro/VPS or Dedicated server?

To reinstall your VDS/VDS Pro/VPS or Dedicated server, follow the instructions below:

Login to the Control Panel by visiting
Select "Servers" on the left Sidebar
Select the "Manage" button next to the relevant server
Select the "Tools" tab
Select the relevant operating system you wish to install, based on compatibility with your server tier.
Select the "Reinstall" button. This process can take up to 5 minutes to be complete. Please note, there is no way to restore any data lost if you choose to reinstall your server.

To reinstall your Dedicated server, follow the instructions below:

Login to the Control Panel by visiting
Select "Services" on the left Sidebar
Select the "Reinstall" button next to the relevant server
Choose the operating system you wish to install
The process will take up to 30 Minutes to complete and your will receive an email with your new credentials once completed

vShield Services can be found by visiting

Updated on: 06/04/2024

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