Articles on: Purchasing & Billing

How can I purchase a Dedicated Server?

How can I purchase a Dedicated Server?

We are excited to hear that you are wanting to purchasing one of our Dedicated Servers. Given the fact that all Dedicated Servers all custom built, we do not have all of our plans available to view on the website. To view some of our predetermined Dedicated Servers, navigate to To enquire, or purchase a Dedicated Server, follow the instructions below:

Join our Discord Server by visiting
Select the #need-help channel, and select "Number 4" to open an Other Sales Enquiry ticket
Either notify the Support Staff of which Dedicated Server plan from our website you wish to purchase, or provide our Support Staff with your desired RAM, Storage and Location, as well as budget. Staff will then curate the best option for your needs, based on the provided details.
Staff will have an invoice created for you, and deploy the Dedicated Server as soon as possible, once the payment is received

vShield Services can be found by visiting

Updated on: 02/03/2022

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